5 Tips to Balance Your Hormones
Hormone health in women is crucial to lifelong health, disease prevention and maintaining a good quality of life. However, when hormone levels are out of control or dysregulated, it can have negative consequences on the whole body. So, what can you do to support your hormone health?
Stress management
Your body’s internal stress system operates to help your body deal with stressful situations. However, if this system is activated over a prolonged amount of time, normal hormone secretion and organ function are negatively impacted (1). Some techniques to reduce stress in your life include:
-reading a book
-drawing a relaxing bath
– starting a daily gratitude journal
-practicing mindfulness
-meditating regularly
-taking a daily walk
-maintaining a work-life balance
-ensuring that you are getting good quality sleep
All the things that reduce stress in your daily life actually affect your body right down to a cellular level!
Regular exercise
Regular exercise has been associated with a significant decrease in circulating sex hormones 2 and has also been shown to buffer age-related reactivity of the body's stress hormones in women as we age 3 .
Any added activity is beneficial for your health, and can include yoga, resistance training, walking, doing chores, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and reducing sedentary time. (4)
Ditch the nicotine
Nicotine has an antiestrogenic effect in women which could lead to fertility issues, interference with hormonal birth control, worsened menopausal symptoms and a host of other hormonal disturbances
affecting the thyroid, adrenal glands and ovaries. (5) This healthy choice also reduces your risk of heart and lung diseases, certain cancers, premature death, and more. (6)
Eating a healthy diet
A diet rich in phytoestrogens, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids supports hormonal health. (7)
Here is a list of foods that support your hormones (8,9)
-fruits & vegetables
– legumes (dried beans, lentils, beans, peas, soybeans)
-whole grains (breads, cereals, pastas, etc.)
-flax seeds, chia seeds, nuts
-fish (such as salmon and tuna)
-Omega-3 rich milk and eggs
Also, eating foods that contribute to a low/ healthy glycemic index will likewise support healthy hormonal health. (1,7) Reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates, sugar–sweetened/ soft drinks, increasing whole grains, and not skipping a nutritious breakfast all contribute to a hormone-healthy diet. (1)
Try our line of products formulated specifically to support your hormone health
Reset Hormonal Detox – designed to restore a healthy estrogen balance, regulate menstrual cycles, and support estrogen metabolism, providing a full range of post Birth Control Support.
Restore Stress Support -designed to bring balance back to your body through enhancing your mood and reducing the symptoms of stress .
Reclaim Hormonal Support -formulated to support healthy estrogen metabolism and balance the body’s estrogen levels.
1. Guilliams, E. & Edwards, L. (2010). Chronic Stress and the HPA Axis: Clinical Assessment and Therapeutic Considerations. The Standard: A Review of Natural & Nutraceutical Therapies for Clinical Practice, 9, 2. https://www.pointinstitute.org/wp- content/uploads/2012/10/standard_v_9.2_hpa_axis.pdf
2. Ennour-Idrissi, K., Maunsell, E. & Diorio, C. (2015). Effect of physical activity on sex hormones in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials. Breast
Cancer Research, 17. 139. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13058-015- 0647-3
3. Traustadottir, T., Bosch, P.R., & Matt, K.S. (2005). The HPA Axis Response to Stress in Women: effects of aging and fitness. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30, 4. https://doi- org.subzero.lib.uoguelph.ca/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2004.11.0 02
4. Government of Canada. 2018. "Physical activity and your health". Accessed on: https://www.canada.ca/en/public- health/services/being-active/physical-activity-your-health.html
5. Jandikova, H., Duskova, M & Starka, L. (2017). The Influence of Smoking and Cessation on the Human Reproductive Hormonal Balance. Physiol Res, 66.
3. https://www.biomed.cas.cz/physiolres/pdf/2017/66_S323.pdf
6. Government of Canada. 2016. "Risk of smoking". Accessed from: https://www.canada.ca/en/health- canada/services/smoking-tobacco/effects-smoking/smoking- your-body/risks-smoking.html
7. Hyman, M. 2007. The Life Cycles of Women:
Restoring Balance. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 13. 3. 10- 16. https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/60411229/Lifecyles- of-Women20190827-23522-fyryzx-with cover-page- v2.pdf?Expires=1645718084&Signature=UkWUEoMutkYcZExACE
cS8c9Uvy97ljTx8QbjZU6VKB1R95Zns6lW2joDOH- VZX86TJLK7u9R4rRI9JbJeaUCbPM8be1mXIVQ0sgq7jMJb2jXieyg FQNWb4R4i0U-2hhqsxr890WIdr~rrCM-KokmDM4y2BHUJrksVl5ly5Kx4q4kLCFxTfFl9rAyo3NAks5TqDqx0 Kfgp07lgqMtSY5W5ATWPoidvllcLjg4NTWIXOtGPfbglSb7rB1Cm MGBHUHDJ2OE41rNLsAHNOoaUr2CWM2w9jeF0j1LoFBmaOGfc KHQ3UyAO8sYux580XbTenxr8RwhPyStGeUXBmWHhlD71g__&K ey-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
8. Government of Canada. (2019)."Fibre". https://www.canada.ca/en/health-
9. Heart & Stroke Foundation. (2021). "The benfits of omega-3 fats: How they help you and how to get enough". Accessed on: https://www.heartandstroke.ca/articles/the-benefits-of- omega-3-fats