Boric Acid and the Vagina
Boric acid is a compound used for a variety of purposes, including vaginal suppositories to deal
with side effects of an imbalance of pH in the vagina (e.g., bacterial vaginosis and yeast
infections). If you suspect bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection due to changes in discharge and
smell, please go to your doctor to inspect the secretion to determine the problem before taking
boric acid or talk to your doctor before using boric acid for the first time. If approved, nightly
insertion of boric acid for 7 days should improve your symptoms and rebalance your pH. If
symptoms do not improve in 7 days boric acid can be used for 14 days straight. If you have
reoccurring vaginal infections boric acid can also be used to treat and or prevent them. The
suggested use of boric acid to prevent infections is twice a week for 6 months up to a year. In
this case, it is better to use pH test strips to check vaginal pH to determine when you should use
boric acid. The pH of the vagina should be around 3.8 – 4.5, if the pH is higher than 4.5 and you
are prone to vaginal infection boric acid can maintain pH balance and prevent vaginal infection.
When taking or considering boric acid you should be aware of a few things. One consideration
is; that you should use boric acid at night and wear a liner to help with any extra discharge that
is common with using most vaginal suppositories, including boric acid. You should be aware
that you cannot use boric acid if pregnant or have any open cuts within the vaginal region. Boric
acid is toxic when consumed orally but is safe when inserted into the vagina. Meaning that any
form of sex, specifically oral sex, should be avoided when using boric acid. Storage of boric acid
is also very important so that no one consumes it orally.
When inserting boric acid, you must clean your hands thoroughly, then either use device
provided or your fingers to insert the capsule. The most comfortable way to insert boric acid is;
to lie down with your knees up and your feet a few inches apart. Use your non-dominant hand
to separate your vulva. Next, use the applicator or fingers to insert the boric acid capsule. The
applicator should be as deep as you feel comfortable, this is different for everyone, but the
applicator should be roughly halfway in your vagina. If you're using your fingers, your forefinger
should be around as deep as your knuckle. It may take a while before you feel comfortable with
the process but remember to be patient with yourself and take this time to learn about your
body. Linked below are two videos to help with your understanding of using suppositories.