Avocado Sweet Potato Toast with Poached Egg

One of the five pillars of holistic health at Aeryon Wellness is the “Food You Eat”, which is why are so happy to provide free, easy, delicious recipes for you! Just scan the QR code on each bottle for a full vegan and non-vegan meal planner. This delicious recipe is from our Resët meal planner..

Avocado Sweet Potato Toast With Poached Egg!


1/2 Sweet Potato (large) 2 Egg 1/2 Avocado Sea Salt & Black Pepper (to taste)


Trim the pointy ends off the sweet potato then lay it on its side on a cutting board. Slice it lengthwise into 1/4 inch slices. 2. Pop the sweet potato slices into the toaster and toast twice. You may need to toast a third time depending on your toaster. If you do not have a toaster, set your oven to broil and bake on a sheet for 3 – 6 minutes per side, or until golden brown. 3. While the sweet potato toasts, carve the flesh of the avocado out into a bowl. Season with a pinch of sea salt and black pepper and mash with a fork until smooth and creamy. 4. Poach, fry or hardboil the eggs. 5. Spread the mashed avocado over the sweet potato toasts and top with cooked eggs. Season with sea salt, black pepper and/or red pepper flakes. Enjoy!

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