November 2022 Movement
One of our favourite ways to start the day at Aeryon Wellness, is with MOVEMENT! It allows us to start the day with endorphins, mindfulness, and who doesn’t love getting it done first thing in the morning! Our challenge to you this month is to do ONE form of movement to you, every morning, that is REJUVENATING to you!
Here are some example exercises we love to do!
Set a timer for 15-30 minutes, or however long you need, and complete the following exercises! All you need is your body and a pair of dumbbells!
10 Dumbbell Squats to Bicep Curl
10 Dumbbell Lateral Raises
10 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
10 Renegade Rows
Let us know how this makes you feel!
Join the movement today!
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